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Music for Children
“I have been using your Music for Children to heal over several years. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Aren’t the angels smart finding a nice willing channel like you! I have worked with lots of sexual abuse victims in particular. I have seen children healed IMMEDIATELY!!”
—Sara Straub, Cooroy, Australia
“I’ve read the Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein dozens of times to classes, but this time I played the song ‘stress’ as background music and it really seemed to make an impact. You could tell by the students’ eyes. I might add that I even felt different reading the story. Several students commented afterward that the music was very beautiful. One young man said, ‘I don’t know why I felt like crying about half way through the story, I’ve heard it before and I’m not an emotional kind-of-guy.’ I said it must be Silverstein’s thoughts on life with neat music in the background that creates this response, and he agreed. I plan on telling other stories with music in the background. I would like to use ‘sad’ and ‘happy’ which I like a great deal.”
—Terrence Jozwik, MS ED, World Religion Teacher,
Glenbrook South High School, Glenview, Il
“Howard Richman’s music has a very soothing effect on children. When they are given the freedom to express themselves in the atmosphere of his music they relax and become more open. The sounds are sympathetic with their feelings and that always makes children feel better.”
—Courtney Campbell, Children’s Songwriter and
Performer, Roundstone Records, Los Angeles, CA
“Music for Children is an exciting and important resource alone or in conjunction with other therapeutic tools in my special education classroom. The music is adaptable to any age student on any functioning level. It can be used again and again, with ever-new discoveries possible for both teacher and student. The music enriches the experience of each activity. The longer I work with it the more valuable it becomes to my program.”
—Rebecca Schacht, M.A., Special Education
Teacher, Vista del Mar, Los Angeles, CA
“I’m very glad to meet my child within. I’m very happy to play with her and to communicate with her whenever I want, since I began listening to the Music for Children tape.”
—Junko Takihara, Accupuncturist,
Tokyo, Japan
“My students like to create their own movement as well as draw to the different selections — ‘mad’ and ‘sad’ are favorites! The music allows them to explore their feelings in a non-threatening way. I feel strongly that the music helps the students get in touch with and begin to resolve their feelings.”
—Susan Wingfield, Teacher for Emotionally
Disturbed Children, San Diego, CA