Entrainment Music Series AIDS, Cancer, Feeling Fat, Feeling Stressed, Music for Birth, Music for Children, Music for Intimacy, Scleroderma, Music for Dementia Anxiety, Music for Transition.
How is the music composed?
Mr. Richman blends his advanced music training and his intuitive awareness to create the music for transformation. This is where the subtleties of pitch, rhythm, tempo, phrasing and dynamics are weaved together to create a music composition that can touch a person in a very deep way.
Has the music been tested anywhere?
We have letters from people from all over the world praising the benefits of the tapes for various situations. However, because we have not yet acquired clinical documentation, no cures or claims are implied. Since 1984, we have actually invited over 150 agencies and universities to become involved in testing our music. Unfortunately, funding always seems to be the issue. Even if we were to come up with the huge funding required ourselves, would this self-funded research satisfy the hardened skeptic? Probably not. Our suggestion is to try the music and to take advantage of our 90-day, no-risk guarantee.
Why is this better than hypnosis or subliminal tapes?
In hypnosis, subliminal or guided imagery programs, the listener is more or less “forced” into a conscious or unconscious progression of thought. This fact can never be escaped because the audible or inaudible words that are used will always be there. So if the listener has the slightest issue or resistance to a particular word, a block may develop, rendering that modality less effective. In contrast, the music -only program that we offer tends to transcend the “verbal” boundary. When people hear music, they are completely free to respond in a personal and unique way, without the confines of the verbal limitation. In this case, if words are then “heard” it would be the listener’s own interpretation of the music which is serving as a catalyst for change.
Why do certain parts of the music seem irritating to me?
The whole principle of entrainment music means that portions of the music will reflect the current stress or block in the listener. These portions will usually be somewhat uncomfortable to hear. But as the music resolves, there usually is a parallel resolution in the listener.
How can you possibly link certain music to certain conditions?
It has been proven that different parts of the body will resonate at different frequencies. These frequencies can be translated into actual musical pitches. We tend to hold emotions in different parts of our bodies. This is called “cellular memory.” When certain sounds are heard, they have the potential to trigger a release of these cellular memories which are “locked” inside various areas of our body.
Why does there need to be a specific listening schedule?
Although we make no medical claims about the use of this music, you might think of each listening period as an installment or “dosage.” In most cases, there are many layers of blocks that must be removed before the definitive response will be experienced. This is why multiple listenings are usually better.
If the music helps me, will I then become dependent on it or addicted to it?
No. The whole point of this music is that it would help bring the listener to a heightened state of awareness. This new state would actually be a shift in consciousness so that the cause of the problem itself has been altered. Once this shift has occured, it would be a self-sustaining state, meaning that there would be no longer any need to continue listening to the music in order to sustain the new state.
Why do I need to listen to the music all the way through?
Entrainment music is predicated on transition. If you only hear just part of the music, you may actually feel worse! This is because the music will tend to mirror your own stress and bring it up to the surface. If you cut it off just before it has a chance to release or resolve this stress, the stress will seem exaggerated. It is to your advantage to follow the listening suggestions and to listen to each selection all the way through towards its natural resolution.
Why is this music not appropriate for background music?
Sound Feelings transformation music follows the entrainment process. This means that portions of the music will intentionally mirror the current stress of the listener. It is ideal to experience the transition of the music as described in the listening suggestions. If people hear the stress-mirroring portions of the music in the background while doing other activities, they are unable to fully experience the resolution that later occurs, because their attention is elsewhere. For this reason, all Sound Feelings entrainment music should never be listened to as background music.
Background Music
Can I use this recording for massage?
Yes. Many massage therapists have found Original Piano Solos to be ideal for massage. This is because it is not to driven rhythmically, yet it is also not too ambient.
Can I use this recording for studying?
Yes. If you choose to listen to music in the background while studying, Original Piano Solos is ideal. This is because it evokes a sense of creativity without becoming too distracting.
Individual Music
How is the music composed?
Mr. Richman uses his intuitive ability to “tune in” to the individual.
Is this really a one-of-a-kind composition?
Yes. Each one is completely unique.
How is this different than the other Sound Feelings recordings?
The other recordings are designed with various conditions in mind, but are general to that condition. Each Sound Portrait, on the other hand is specifically intended for an individual. So the music that is on the tape is tailored to that individual and his or her needs.
Why doesn’t Mr. Richman need that much information about me in order to do the Sound Portrait?
Because his process is intuitive, it is almost better if he doesn’t know too much about you with his conscious mind. This way, he is free to really “tune in” on the deepest level without his own “filtering” and interpretrations.
Sound Wave Pattern
If the sound waves have the power to shift hardened stuff from the intestines, what can it do to other places where it is in contact with the body? For example when one is holding it in place? Or it is reaching the spine? Yesterday I was holding it in position, but afterwards I had strange sensations in my hands. Could it not also be affecting other parts of the body in an adverse way? My friend tried the ear phones on his ears to test it and I felt uneasy about this, thinking it could possibly affect the brain.
You’re not supposed to “listen” to the CD with your ears. The vibrations will help to loosen the mucoid plaque. If you can position the headphones on your abdomen or if you could even place speakers on your abdomen without holding them into position with your hands, then you won’t feel the vibrations in your hands.
As far as how it affects other internal organs, such as your spine, I suppose that if something needs to be shaken loose from your spine, like a tumor or something, that could be a good thing, but ordinarily, I don’t think that it would damage your spine. The sound waves are designed to resonate primarily in the intestinal tract. Make sure you are doing the herbal cleanse while using the sound wave pattern. Try it one day on and one day off and notice the NEXT day if you see a difference in your bowels.
How often do you recommend using it? Daily, or less frequently?
It is recommended to listen to the Intestinal Plaque Loosener Sound Wave Pattern once a day. The evening seems to work the best.